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Useful Links for Dawoodi Bohra's |
Dawat websites ( official)
1. Alvazarat ( 4485 )
Alvazarat official website
2. Amatullahaai.org ( 3938 )
Website for Muminaat
3. Anjuman-E-Najmi Jamaat Mumbra ( 453 )
An Official Website of Dawoodi Bohra, Anjuman-e-Najmi jamaat, Burhani Masjid-Mumbra, Mumbai.
4. Ashara Mumbai 1432 Official Site ( 2298 )
The official website for Ashara Mubaraka 1432H is live at
Important news updates and information will be
updated regularly.
5. Attalim ( 4441 )
Newly launched in July 2009 Attalim has Nisaab, Imtehaan, Tabudaat, Quran Audio to help in Hifz,Madresa etc.
6. BBCC- Economic Welfare of Mumineen ( 2236 )
One small step can convert into a giant leap. The grand vision of The Burhaniyah Business Counselling Center is guided by the Supreme light. It’s a modest beginning and in the path of overall betterment the members of BBCC seek the blessings of Aqa Moula to be able to execute this compassionate vision.
7. Busaheba.org ( 2873 )
Website for muminaat.
8. digital exibition- Maraj-mumbai ( 1269 )
9. E-Jamaat ( 5118 )
Here you can login with your ejamaat ID and password to access your ejamaat account.
10. Ejamaat is now www.its52.com ( 3500 )
11. Haj Registration ( 3846 )
All Mumineen who desire to perform Haj, register their names on www.sigatulhaj.org This website shall open registrations from the 1st of Shehre Safar 1430H (27th Jan. 2009) .
12. Hawaij - Online Arzi to Huzurala (TUS) ( 17870 )
HawaijNow you can login online with your EJamaat ID and do Arzi to Aqa Moula(TUS). No more sending emails. All your arzis can be tracked in one place.
13. Mahad uz Zahra or Mahad-al-Quran ( 2810 )
An Institute of Al Jamea tus Saifiyah,dedicated to the memorizing and study of Al Quran.It is currently holding online classes for the memorization of The Quran.It also has a 4 year Nisaab in Surat,during which Students will memorise whole Quran and will gain the barakat of ilm ale mohammed(AS).It is also conducting a Quran Camp in Suart this year.Online registeration and information available here.Also has a series of informative articles on Al Quran
13. Saut Al Iman ( 2510 )
Saut Al Iman. The voice of Iman. 27 years ago, by the raza mubarak and farman of alDai alAjal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin TUS, Sadat Kiram started a project for cultural and spititual upliftment. It was named as the Voice of Iman. Today Mahad al Zahra holds on to the legacy and launches a one of its kind volume almost every year. This website also has News & events for Zakereen
14. Taiseerun nikah (ITNC) ( 6894 )
Official website of International Taiseerun nikah Committee. Dawoodi bohra matrimonial (shaadi) site. Has information on upcoming taaruf programs, Rasme saifee etc.
Deeni publications
1. A Tribute to Moulatena Fatema tus Zahara AS ( 2183 )
A Tribute to Moulatena Fatema tus Zahara AS
2. Al-Kanz Software ( 2822 )
Al-Iqtebasat un Nooraniyyah 1430 H. Al-Iqtebasaat Program with Dua and Raza mubarak of Maula nal Mina'am Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (T.U.S) A very useful utility for Waezeen Specially and generally for all mumineen to get a great deal of benefit from the eternal and spiritual bayanat of AQA MAULA T.U.S. It is an effort to present our khidmat in Hadrat Imamaiyyah Ashraqallaho Anwaraha.
3. Glass & Glazing Services ( 75 )
4. List of Islamic terms in Arabic ( 3327 )
A very good word list to learn some words The following list consists of concepts that are derived from both Islam and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language. The main purpose of this list is to disambiguate multiple spellings, to make note of spellings no longer in use for these concepts, to define the concept in one or two lines, to make it easy for one to find and pin down specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of Islam all in one place. Separating concepts in Islam from concepts specific to Arab culture, or from the language itself, can be difficult. Many Arabic concepts have an Arabic secular meaning as well as an Islamic meaning. One example is the concept of dawah. Among the complexities of the Arabic language is that a single word can have multiple meanings. The word Islam is itself a good example. Readers should also note that Arabic is written in its own alphabet, with letters, symbols, and orthographic conventions that do not have exact equivalents in the Latin alphabet (see Arabic alphabet). The following list is a transliteration of Arabic terms and phrases. Consequently, Muslims may transliterate certain Arabic words differently, such as din as opposed to deen, and aqidah as opposed to aqeedah. Most items in the list also contain their actual Arabic spelling.
5. Misbah - Newsletter ( 2070 )
Misbah is an online newsletter and publication site. It has lot of good information & articles. This site also has "Misbah Kids" section. Every issue is worth reading.
6. Short History of Dawoodi Bohras ( 2178 )
The Dawoodi Bohra community traces its spiritual heritage from Prophet Mohammed and his Vasi Amirul Mumineen Moulana Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet, and continuing through their successors, the Imams, who, functioning first from Medina, spread over to North Africa and Egypt in the succeeding centuries. Imam Al-Mehdi Billah set out for North Africa and established his religious kingdom in Tunisia and the adjacent territories. Three Imams succeeded him and the fourth, the celebrated Imam Al-Moiz Le-dinillah, established his seat of authority in Egypt. Read more on the link above
7. Syedi Mazoon Saheb Website ( 3156 )
This website is for Syedi Mazoon Saheb & Family. Here you can find the Bayan Archives photos etc.
Mazarat websites
1. Dargah - e - Hakimi, Burhanpur ( 2550 )
Dargah - e - Hakimi, Burhanpur, India
2. Dargah E Hakimi ( 2616 )
The official website of Dargah E Hakimi,Burhanpur.Gives information on the location,Phone numbers,Email add,Lodging,Surroundings,Events,Mawaid,History,etc.
3. Karbala Moalla ( 2652 )
New site developed specially for Karbala. Zaereen information, News and Events, Taarikh and rivayat, Atabaat Muqaddasa and lots more.
4. Matheran memorial hall ( 3693 )
Access Matheran memorial hall website online, and check the dates & booking. Matheran is a popular hill station just 3-4 hrs from Mumbai city. It is known for its breathtaking views
Associations , organizations etc
1. Burhani Qardan Hasana Corporation (America) ( 1498 )
Burhani Qardan Hasana Corporation (America) is website for mumineen of America. Here you can find the information about the committee and also the forms to fill to obtain Kardan hasana.
2. Al Mawaid us Saifiyah ( 1565 )
Al Mawaid us Saifiyah website
3. Burhani Foundation ( India) ( 1525 )
Burhani Foundation [India], is a registered trust, launched in 1991 to commemorate the 80th birthday of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohamed Burhanuddin Saheb TUS, the spiritual head of the international Dawoodi Bohra Community . In the speech given by the His Holiness during the inaugural function held in Mumbai, he emphasized the need to address the environmental problems in India and around the world in a more structured and scientific way. Holding aloft the best traditions of the community, His Holiness blessed the Burhani Foundation and asked it to work ceaselessly towards the national effort at keeping the environment free from pollution.
4. Burhani web solutions ( 301 )
5. Daerato shababil Eidiz Zahabi ( 1268 )
Daerato shababil Eidiz Zahabi Website.
6. Faiz-e-Husaini (America) ( 1410 )
With doa mubarak of Aqa Maula (TUS) Faiz-e-Husaini (America) is performing khidmat in collaboration with Faiz-e-Husaini (International) to provide all necessary Khidmat to the North America Mumineen Hujjaj and Zowwar for the past two years. Faiz-e-Husaini's Khidmat includes, but not limited to: Arranging necessary haj visas for all mumineen in North America Arrangement of accommodation Arrangement of transportation Arrangement of Mawaid And all other arrangements to fecilitate the performance of Haj with itmenaan
7. Fayz e Husayni Trust Mumbai ( 4477 )
Faiz-e-Husaini's Khidmat includes, but not limited to: Arranging necessary haj visas for all mumineen Arrangement of accommodation Arrangement of transportation
8. Jamea USA Alumini Website ( 1422 )
The Alumni Association of Al Jamea, was formed to unify the various talents of graduating Jamea students to better serve the Dawoodi Bohra Community as well as the general public. The Al Muntasibeen Ila al Jamea Organization allows all former students to keep in touch with one another, join in various academics, community, and charitable projects, and above all to always remember to cherish their time spent at Jamea. This website also has Online Audio, Photo and AwraQ library. A very good collection.Great resource website.
9. Jameat Tujjar Al Burhaniyah Dubai ( 1589 )
Aqa Maula (TUS) announced the formation of an organization for all UAE businessmen and gave it the name Jameat al Tujjar al Burhaniyah".This organization shall function under the umbrella of Anjumun e Najmi, based in Dubai, with operations in the whole of UAE. Objectives
Create a businessmen's forum for Mumineen
A platform for Mumineen businessmen would provide networking opportunities and would enable exchange of views on different business developments. This could be achieved by organizing events, seminars, workshops and networking sessions.
Assist new businesses
Mumineen who wish to start their own businesses will receive guidance from ALTUJJAR. This may be in the form of advice from professionals and/or other businessmen. ALTUJJAR will assist Mumineen in formulating business plans, explaining legal issues, licensing requirements and other routine procedural matters.
Develop existing businesses
In keeping with Aqa Maula's Farmaan, ALTUJJAR will help Mumineen businesses that are trading, to move into manufacturing.
ALTUJJAR will also assist all businessmen by educating them on more efficient business practices. For instance, ALTUJJAR may advise businesses that want to switch from manual to computerized accounts.
Enable Access to Information
ALTUJJAR will work to keep the community informed of business opportunities, trends and new laws governing business conduct. Information may be dispersed by various means such as newletters, emails, faxes, posters and workshops.
Achieve Vision 100
By the 100th Milad Mubarak of Aqa Maula (TUS), businesses should follow certain standards in their daily business conduct. This standard would be similar to a certificate of excellence, and would require from Mumineen high levels of honesty and ethical conduct in their business activities.
10. Shababul Eidiz Zahabi Colombo ( 1208 )
For all the latest happennings in Colombo and Shabab Projects. Log onto www.colomboshabab.com
11. Taiseer-un-Nikah Committee ( 2432 )
The Official Website of the International Taiseer-un-Nikah Committee.It has Contact information and Office Addresses.Also users can download and email registeration forms.It also carries information as to the upcoming events held by the committee
12. Taiseerunnikah Committee of Toronto ( 1518 )
Link to the Taiseerunnikah Committee of Toronto website.Has contact information and ITNC form.
13. Toloba Mumbai ( 1467 )
Toloba ul Kulliyah Mumbai Website.
1. Akhbar-e-Burhani ( 21435 )
Akhbar of Huzurala(TUS), and lots of other stuff on this site.
2. Dawoodi bohra Net ( mumineen.org) ( 2699 )
Mumineen.org is an independent organization. It is not an official organ of Dawat-e-Hadiyah, nor will its activities reflect that. It is a top notch information portal.
3. Malumaat ( 1849 )
Dawoodi bohra portal for Akhbar of Huzurala (TUS)
4. Mumininkuwait.com ( 285 )
Helping MUMININ with the HELP of MUMININ
5. ZenInfoys Akhbar ( 4055 )
This site has good collection of Photos and Akhbar of Hururala (TUS). Also there are very informative articles via email. To join their mailing list send email to zeninfosys@gmail.com Login or register to post comments
Mailing lists
1. Akhbar-E-Burhani Mailing ( 1929 )
6000 Mumineen World wide in this group for Akhbar of Aqa moula TUS and other Deeni Stuff and growing day by day.
2. DBNet Mailing List ( 1668 )
Become part of the largest and most popular list in the Dawoodi Bohra Internet World by joining this list and contributing to it.Click on this link to send an email to dbnet-subscribe@mumineen.org,with your name,e-jamaat number,and name of jamat.
3. General Mailing List - Malumaat ( 1361 )
This group is for all the general communication amongst mumineen. There are more than 10,000 members from all over the world. Post a question, ask help, announce business, akbhar and everything under the sun. To subscribe, send email to malumaat-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
4. IT professional Group - DB Soft ( 1734 )
This group is for Dawoodi Bohra IT professional. The purpose of this group is to help and share information to help each other grow professionally, do khidmat of dawat and above all START their own BUSINESS. To subscribe, send email to dbsoft-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. The membership is subject to approval, so please introduce yourself.
5. Zakereen Mailing List ( 1425 )
This group is in created with the niyat of providing communication tool to Zakereens all over the globe. This way people can share, help each other , grow and do Khidmat of Huzurala(TUS) and Zikre-Hussain in a far better way. To subscribe, send email to zakereen-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Membership is subject to approval so please introduce yourself.
1. A Dawoodi Bohra Calender Website ( 681 )
2. Aaj No Din ( 4471 )
Aaj na din ni dua, Ghari nu details, Sadako etc. Must visit on daily basis.
3. Bohra Greetings ( 3008 )
Bohra Greetings has great collection of greeting cards, specially designed for Dawoodi Bohra community.
4. Collection of Aqa Maula TUS's audio and video ( 3134 )
This website has a collection of Aqa Maula TUS's audio and videos.
5. http://www.flash-freegames.com/ ( 18 )
Write your Name and See
6. Wikipedia Article on Dawoodi Bohra - Must read. ( 2774 )
Wikipedia Article on Dawoodi Bohra - Must read
Misc Links
1. Aqa Moula t.u.s.giving Salami with both hands ( 1300 )
2. A Dawoodi Bohra website for job seekers. ( 1464 )
A Dawoodi Bohra website for job seekers.
3. A Dawoodi Bohra Website. ( 1221 )
4. Mumineen Miqaats on your calendar ( 760 )
Get the list of all our miqats and dates from Mumineen Miqats website. you can recieve updates on your Android phone, iphone, blackberry, Google calender, Ical and outlook. A great new service.
5. Qibla Locator ( 2492 )
Find the exact direction of Qibla, quick and fast with this website.
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